Although expectation- and attention-related interactions between ventral and medial prefrontal cortex

Although expectation- and attention-related interactions between ventral and medial prefrontal cortex and stimulus category-selective visual regions have been identified during visual detection and discrimination, it is not known if related neural mechanisms apply to other tasks such as visual search. functional connectivity between vmPFC and object-sensitive lateral occipital cortex (LOC), and results from dynamic causal modeling and Bayesian Model Selection suggested bidirectional contacts between vmPFC and LOC that were positively modulated by the task. Using image-guided diffusion-tensor imaging, functionally seeded, probabilistic white-matter tracts between vmPFC and LOC, which presumably underlie this effective interconnectivity, were also observed. These connectivity findings extend earlier models of visual search processes to include specific frontalCoccipital neuronal relationships during a natural and complex search task. models and assumptions to the data, which were particularly important, given that we used a complex and relatively natural and ecologically valid task; and (3) while vmPFC is a part of the Default Mode Network, which is typically deactivated during jobs requiring VER 155008 manufacture attention, a component of vmPFC activity that is synchronized with positive visual activity during search should be isolated by ICA. Self-employed components (ICs) were sorted according to their temporal profiles to isolate functionally meaningful brain areas related to the visual search task. The highest task-related spatial component included dorsal and ventral visual areas as well as vmPFC. Based on earlier Rabbit Polyclonal to TRERF1 findings, suggesting a role for vmPFC in stimulus object-category expectation and imagery during object discrimination and detection and concomitant relationships with visual association areas inside a stimulus selective manner (Pub, 2003; Mechelli et al., 2004; Summerfield et al., 2006), we hypothesized that vmPFC also interacts with object/feature-sensitive visual areas during visual VER 155008 manufacture search. Finally, we used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to test the hypothesized structural connectivity between activated areas in vmPFC and lateral occipital cortex (LOC) using probabilistic tractography in a sample of 108 additional subjects that were not participants in the practical study. We focused on LOC, since it is known become highly specialized to visual objects (Amedi et al., 2001; Grill-Spector et al., 2001; Ishai et al., 2000; Spiridon et al., 2006), and also, because it has been shown to be responsive to the anticipation of search for an object, actually in the absence of visual input, and predicted overall performance during subsequent detection (Peelen and Kastner, 2011). Here, we display that (1) vmPFC is definitely involved in visual processing during search for an object inlayed within a complex scene; (2) there is increased functional connectivity and bidirectional, positive effective connectivity between vmPFC and object-sensitive LOC during the task; and (3) there exist white-matter tracts between these interacting areas. These findings provide evidence of structural and practical paths underlying task-related functional relationships between vmPFC and object-sensitive areas (LOC) during visual search. Materials and Methods Subjects Fifteen (five female) healthy volunteers (mean age=31; SD=10, 13/15 right handed) with normal or corrected-to-normal vision participated in the search study, and 108 subjects (mean age=30.8; SD=11.3) participated in the DTI-only study, in accordance with institutional recommendations for study with human subjects. Recruitment, evaluations, and scans were all performed in the Columbia University or college Medical Center in the fMRI Study Center. Experimental paradigms and process Stimuli were offered VER 155008 manufacture in Visual Fundamental and displayed on a back-projection display that was viewed by the subjects via a mirror attached to the scanner head coil. The visual search tests (26 per run) were offered within a sluggish event-related (nonjittered) design with 20?sec, or 10 TRs, between the onsets of each trial. Each trial consisted of a stimulus demonstration enduring 10?sec, with 10?sec of rest between the end of one trial and the beginning of the next. Within each rest epoch, 2?sec of static noise was presented (to erase iconic memory space) followed by 8?sec of a black, blank field. The total run time was 9?min 12?sec. Each trial consisted of a presentation of 1 1 of 8 types of photos: 1 that contained no target, and 7 that contained the prospective (an object resembling a 2.5-ton pickup truck that was not camouflaged) at one of 7 different sizes, calibrated by distance from.