The purpose of this study was to investigate the balance abilities

The purpose of this study was to investigate the balance abilities of the adolescent girl with brain lesions by Sit-to-Stand (STS) action analysis before and after the rehabilitative horse riding of 16 week program. Rehabilitative horse riding, Brain lesion, Sit-to-stand, Balance, Equilibrium INTRODUCTION The brain lesions refer to the damage on the brain area by injury or disease to be seemed simple, however, CDH5 complicated to be understood. The types of brain lesion are so variable and the ability to move is affected ( Also, a brain lesion may affect directly the neuron or indirectly affecting the functions of neuron ( In the case of the individual who has spastic hemiplegia by brain lesions may consist of increased elbow flexion with forearm pronation and increased muscle tone which cause the malfunction in posturing as well as walking (Gage, 2004) The problems of absence of regular gait movement on the side of hemiplegia makes the individual noticeable and particularly problematic in adolescence because the general appearance is so important in the adolescent period (Riad et al., 2011). Sit-to-Stand (STS) action is an activity that most of human beings should perform many times in their daily lives. Also, STS is a fundamental movement for the balance and directly connects to the skills of walking as well. The basic activity such as STS action in daily Bafetinib (INNO-406) IC50 living is gradually acquired during early childhood and assured by 7 yr old around (Haley et al., 1992). In the action of STS, the leg muscle and wide Bafetinib (INNO-406) IC50 ROM of the relative joint are involved considerably to the ability of balance challenge (Hoch et al., 2012; Hylton et al., 2005; Riley et al., 1991). Therefore, the test of STS Bafetinib (INNO-406) IC50 is an appropriate motor task to Bafetinib (INNO-406) IC50 identify the functional limitations of the balance ability. Many researchers have examined STS motion analysis targeting the functionally impaired elders (Hesse et al., 1994; Hughes and Schenkman, 1996). Asymmetrical leg load is identified in the stroke patients caused by abnormal muscle utilization and muscle weakness during STS (Eng and Chu, 2002). Furthermore, even healthy populations showed the asymmetrical leg load by exhibiting weaker hamstrings and stronger quadriceps in dominant sides of lower limb (Lanshammar and Ribom, 2011). Horse riding therapy is treatment strategy to use equine movement for the improvement of functional outcomes such as trunk strength or balance (Cunningham, 2009). Meregilano (2004) explained the therapeutic horse riding was to focus on the stability of trunk, posture, and mobility for the improvement of gait and balance. The effects of horse riding on the gait of the children with cerebral palsy were reported (McGee and Reese, 2009). Therefore, the subjects STS action was tested before and after the treatment to examine the effects of rehabilitative horse riding on the balance function which is essential for the walking. MATERIALS AND METHODS Subject A female adolescent girl aged 16 yr old with brain lesions participated in this study as a single subject. The subject was hemiplegic Bafetinib (INNO-406) IC50 in the right limbs and showed imbalanced walking pattern. The subjects joints such as spine, hip, knee, and ankle were flexed by the spasm and pelvis was rotated posterior with tilting posture, therefore, stiffness was found in gait pattern which caused easy slip and fall down. The subjects physical characteristics were shown in Table 1. Table 1. Subjects physical characteristics Apparatus The test instruments used in this study were presented in Table 2. Table 2. Data collection and analysis apparatus Experimental procedures The subject participated in the rehabilitative horse riding training program for.